Free Child Custody Agreement With Notary Template



Free Child Custody Agreement With Notary Template

Child Custody Agreement With Notary

I. Parties Involved

  1. [Father's Name], residing at [Father's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Father," and

  2. [Mother's Name], residing at [Mother's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Mother."

  1. [Children's Names]

Child's Name:[Child's Name]

  • Date of Birth: [Child's Date of Birth]

  • Address (if different): [Child's Address]

Child's Name:[Child's Name]

  • Date of Birth: [Child's Date of Birth]

  • Address (if different): [Child's Address]

  1. [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], hereinafter referred to as "Notary Public".

II. Custody Arrangement

  1. Legal Custody:

    • [Father's Name] and [Mother's Name] shall share joint legal custody of the child(ren).

  2. Physical Custody:

    • The physical custody schedule shall be as follows:

      • The children shall reside with [Mother's Name] during the weekdays and with [Father's Name] during the weekends. Holidays shall be alternated annually, with [Mother's Name] having custody on even-numbered years and [Father's Name] having custody on odd-numbered years. Additionally, the children shall spend half of each major holiday with each parent, with Thanksgiving and Christmas break alternating between the parents each year.

III. Decision-Making Responsibilities

  1. Major Decisions:

    • Major decisions regarding the child(ren)'s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing shall be made jointly by both parents.

  2. Day-to-Day Decisions:

    • Day-to-day decisions regarding the child(ren)'s activities, routines, and general welfare shall be made by the parent(s) with physical custody during that time.

IV. Financial Support

  1. Child Support:

    • [Father's Name] shall pay [Mother's Name] the amount of $[1000] per month as child support.

    • The child support payment of $1000 per month shall be made on the 1st of every month.

  2. Additional Expenses:

    • Both parents shall share equally in the payment of any additional expenses related to the child(ren), including but not limited to medical expenses, educational expenses, extracurricular activities, and childcare costs.

V. Modifications

If there are any changes or amendments proposed for this agreement, they must be mutually agreed upon in a written format by both parties involved. Furthermore, these changes must be officially notarized by a notary public who is legally licensed for validation and authentication purposes.

VI. Governing Law

The governance and interpretation of this agreement shall be carried out by the laws prevalent in the State of [State].

VII. Signature Section

Printed Name of Father: [Father's Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Printed Name of Mother: [Mother's Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Printed Name of Notary Public: [Your Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Notary Seal (if applicable): [Seal]

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