Bicycle Rental Agreement Form

Bicycle Rental Agreement Form

I. The Parties

This Bicycle Rental Agreement ("Agreement") outlines the responsibilities of Renter's Name, with a primary address at Renter's Address ("Renter"), for renting a bicycle from [Your Company Name] with a place of business at [Your Company Address] ("Company"). The Company agrees to rent the bicycle specified below (“Bicycle”) to the Renter, upon the agreement of the Renter to the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

II. Renter Details


    Phone number


        III. Rental Details

        Type of Bike

          Cruiser BikeMountain BikeRoad BikeHybrid BikeElectric BikeFolding BikeFixed-Gear BikeBMX BikeRoad Touring BikeCyclocross BikeRecumbent BikeCargo Bike


          Check the accessories that you will rent, if any:

            • Helmet

            • Lock

            • Lights

            • Pump

            • Basket

            • Repair Kit

            • None

            Rental Date

              Total Rent Amount

                Security Deposit

                  Return Date and Time

                    IV. Renter's Responsibilities

                    The Renter agrees to adhere to the following responsibilities:

                    1. The Renter agrees to use the bicycle in a safe and responsible manner, following all applicable traffic laws and regulations. Failure to comply with local regulations may result in penalties or termination of the rental agreement.

                    2. The Renter is responsible for returning the bicycle in the same condition as it was at the time of rental, excluding normal wear and tear. Any damages beyond normal wear may incur additional charges to the Renter.

                    3. The Renter will use the bicycle only for personal transportation purposes and not for any commercial or competitive activities unless otherwise authorized by the Company. Unauthorized use may result in additional charges or legal action.

                    4. The Renter is prohibited from lending, subleasing, or allowing any third party to use the bicycle without the prior written consent of the Company. Unauthorized use by a third party may result in termination of this Agreement and additional liability for the Renter.

                    5. The Renter agrees to pay any fines, penalties, or charges incurred during the rental period due to improper use or unlawful activities involving the bicycle. All charges will be the sole responsibility of the Renter.

                    6. The Renter must return the bicycle by the specified return date and time. Late returns may incur additional fees, calculated hourly/daily.

                    7. The Renter agrees to secure the bicycle with the lock provided by the Company when not in use to prevent theft or damage. Failure to properly secure the bicycle may result in additional liability or charges.

                    8. The Renter will not make any modifications or alterations to the bicycle without the prior approval of the Company. Unauthorized modifications may void any warranty or insurance coverage provided by the Company.

                    V. Company's Rights

                    The Company retains certain rights and authorities regarding the rental, return, and usage of the bicycle, which include but are not limited to the following:

                    1. The Company reserves the right to inspect the bicycle upon return and assess any damage charges deemed necessary due to improper use or negligence by the Renter. If the damages exceed the security deposit, the Company may require the Renter to pay additional fees.

                    2. The Company has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time and demand the immediate return of the bicycle if the Renter is found in breach of any terms outlined in this Agreement, such as failure to comply with safety regulations or unauthorized use.

                    3. The Company may charge the Renter for any damages, losses, or thefts of the bicycle that occur during the rental period. This charge will be based on the estimated repair or replacement costs provided by a certified technician or supplier.

                    4. The Company has the right to use any security deposit collected for repair or replacement costs in the event of damage, loss, or theft of the bicycle. Any remaining balance will be returned to the Renter upon settlement of all accounts.

                    5. The Company reserves the right to offer or deny any additional accessories or services based on availability and the Renter's needs, and to change the terms of accessory rentals if necessary.

                    VI. Release of Liability

                    By signing this Agreement, I agree to release and hold harmless the Company from any liability, claims, demands, or actions that may arise from any damage, injury, or harm sustained while using the rented bicycle, except where such damage or injury is directly caused by the Company's gross negligence or willful misconduct. I acknowledge that I have received the necessary instructions for the safe use of the bicycle and that I am fully aware of the risks associated with cycling.

                    I acknowledge that cycling involves inherent risks, including the risk of injury or death, and I assume full responsibility for any risks, damages, or losses, whether or not caused by the negligence of the Company, while renting the bicycle. I further agree that I will not hold the Company liable for any incidents that may occur due to my own actions, failure to comply with safety instructions, or violations of the terms of this Agreement.




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