Free Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form Template


Free Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form Template

Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form

Please fill out this form to document the sale and purchase of the vehicle.

I. The Parties

This Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form ("Agreement") is made and entered into on Month Day, Year, by and between [Your Company Name], with a primary address at [Your Company Address] ("Seller"), and Buyer's Name, with a primary address at Buyer's Address ("Buyer"). The Seller and Buyer may collectively be referred to as the ("Parties") or individually as a ("Party").

WHEREAS, the Seller is the lawful owner of the vehicle described in this Agreement ("Vehicle");

WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to purchase the Vehicle from the Seller for an agreed-upon price;

WHEREAS, the Parties wish to formalize the terms and conditions of the sale of the Vehicle;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein, the Parties agree as follows:

II. Vehicle Description

The Vehicle being sold is described as follows:




        VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)

          III. Purchase Price

          The total purchase price for the Vehicle is Amount, to be paid:

          • In full at the time of sale.

          • As follows: Payment Terms.

          IV. Warranties and Representations

          Warranty Terms

            The Seller represents that the Vehicle is free of all liens and encumbrances. The Buyer acknowledges that they have inspected the Vehicle and accepts its condition.

            V. Delivery of Vehicle

            The Vehicle shall be delivered to the Buyer on Month Day, Year, at Location, at which point the title and ownership shall transfer to the Buyer.

            VI. Signature

            By signing below, the Parties confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete, and this Agreement constitutes the full understanding of the transaction.







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