Free Customizable Waiver Agreement Outline Template



Free Customizable Waiver Agreement Outline Template

Customizable Waiver Agreement Outline

1. Title of Agreement

  • Waiver of Liability and Release Agreement

  • Acknowledgment of Risk and Responsibility

2. Introduction

  • This Waiver Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between:

    • [Full Name of Individual/Company], hereinafter referred to as the "Participant" (or "Releasor")

    • [Full Name of Entity/Organizer], hereinafter referred to as the "Releasee" (or "Releasee")

  • The Participant and the Releasee are collectively referred to as the "Parties."

  • Effective Date: [Date]

3. Purpose of the Waiver

  • A brief statement explaining the reason for the waiver (e.g., event participation, recreational activity, volunteering, etc.).

  • Acknowledging that participation in the [Activity/Event] carries certain inherent risks.

4. Acknowledgment of Risks

  • Detailed list of potential risks and hazards associated with the activity, event, or participation (e.g., physical injury, property damage, accidents, etc.).

  • Clarification that the Participant understands and accepts these risks.

5. Waiver and Release of Liability

  • The Participant agrees to release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless the Releasee from any liability for personal injury, property damage, or any other type of harm, whether caused by negligence or other factors.

  • Participant acknowledges that they waive any right to make legal claims against the Releasee for any accidents, injuries, or losses that may arise during the [Activity/Event].

6. Assumption of Responsibility

  • The Participant assumes full responsibility for their safety and well-being.

  • A statement that the Participant will comply with all instructions, guidelines, and safety protocols provided by the Releasee during the activity.

7. Indemnification Clause

  • The Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasee for any claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of the Participant’s actions, omissions, or failure to adhere to safety instructions.

8. Medical Treatment Authorization (if applicable)

  • The Participant authorizes the Releasee to obtain emergency medical treatment in case of injury during the [Activity/Event] if the Participant is unable to provide consent.

  • The Participant affirms they are in good health and do not have any conditions that would impair their ability to safely participate.

9. Legal Compliance and Binding Nature

  • The Participant affirms that they are of legal age or have a legal guardian’s consent to sign the waiver.

  • The Agreement will be governed by the laws of the [State/Country] and will be binding upon the Participant, their heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.

10. Severability Clause

  • If any portion of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

11. Consent to Use of Likeness (if applicable)

  • The Participant consents to the use of their name, likeness, or image in promotional materials, videos, and other media related to the activity/event.

12. Entire Agreement

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties concerning the subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, whether written or oral.

13. Execution of Agreement

  • By signing below, the Participant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this Waiver Agreement.


  • Participant Name (Printed): ____________________________

  • Participant Signature: _________________________________

  • Date: _______________________

If the Participant is a minor:

  • Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ________________________

  • Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________

  • Date: _______________________

  • Witness Name (Printed): ________________________________

  • Witness Signature: ______________________________

  • Date: _______________________

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