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Rental Appraisal Letter

Rental Appraisal Letter

Date: [09-08-2023]

[Sunset Boulevard]
[555 Pine Street]

[Riverfront Terrace]
[678 Redwood Circle]

Property Information:

Property Address:
Sunset Boulevard
[City, State, Zip Code]

Property Size:
1000 Sq. ft.

Rental Agreement Details:

Term of Agreement:

Start Date: MARCH-15-2027
End Date: MARCH-16-2028

Rental Payment:

The monthly rent for the property is [Monthly Rent Amount].
The rent is due on the [Day of the Month] of every month.
Late payment may result in additional fees as specified in the agreement.

Security Deposit:

Tenant shall provide a security deposit of [Security Deposit Amount].
The deposit will be used to cover any damages or unpaid rent upon termination.
It will be refunded within [Number of Days] after the end of the tenancy.

Utilities and Maintenance:

The tenant is responsible for payment of all utilities (electricity, water, gas, etc.).
The tenant agrees to keep the property clean and to promptly inform the landlord of any damages or needed repairs.
Landlord shall be responsible for major repairs and structural maintenance.


Either party may terminate this agreement with [Number of Days/Months] prior written notice.
Tenant agrees to return the property in the same condition as received, except for normal wear and tear.

Additional Terms and Conditions:

[List any additional terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties]

This Rental Agreement is made and entered into on the date first mentioned above and constitutes the entire agreement between the landlord and the tenant. Any amendments or modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State].

[Landlord's Signature]

[Tenant's Signature]

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