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Generic Termination Letter

Generic Termination Letter

Dear Max Maverick,

After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, we have made the difficult decision to terminate your employment with Global Connect Logistics effective Oct-2025.

This decision was not taken lightly, and it was based on several factors including performance, productivity, and alignment with the company's goals and values. We have noticed consistent issues in these areas which have unfortunately impacted the overall success of the team and the company.

We understand that this news may come as a surprise, but please be assured that it was not a rash decision. We have provided multiple opportunities for improvement and implemented various support measures to help you succeed in your role. However, despite these efforts, we have not seen the desired progress.

We want to acknowledge your hard work and dedication during your time at Global Connect Logistics. We truly appreciate the contributions you have made and the skills you have brought to the table. That being said, we believe that this is the best course of action for both parties involved.

As part of the termination process, we will be providing you with a severance package, including the compensation owed to you based on your years of service and any applicable benefits. Additionally, we will arrange for a meeting to discuss the details of the transition and any necessary paperwork.

While this decision may be challenging, we strongly encourage you to view it as an opportunity for personal growth and advancement. We genuinely believe that this change will open doors to new possibilities and allow you to explore new endeavors where you can thrive.

Please note that our decision is final, and we kindly request that you return any company property, including electronic devices, access cards, and documents, by Mar-2030. Further information regarding the return process will be provided separately.

We want to express our gratitude for your time with us and extend our best wishes for your future endeavors. Should you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Human Resources department.

Once again, thank you for your commitment and contributions.

Max Maverick
Global Connect Logistics
United States

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