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Leave Request Approval Letter

Leave Request Approval Letter

Bradley Wells

Human Resources Manager

Alexon Accounting

4050 Williston Rd.

Burlington, VA 05403

[email protected]

222 555 7777

August 4, 2050

Jon Muller


Slxon Accounting

115 Ventura Blvd.

Tarzana CA 91356

Dear Jon Muller,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that your recent leave request has been approved. We understand the importance of work-life balance and the value of taking time off when needed. At Alexon Accounting, we prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of our employees.

Your requested leave has been scheduled from August 10, 2055, to August 24, 2055. During this time, you will be granted a well-deserved break from your daily responsibilities. We believe this period of time off will allow you to recharge and return to work with increased productivity.

If you have any specific plans or arrangements that need to be made prior to your leave, please let us know as soon as possible. We want to ensure a smooth transition during your absence and guarantee that all necessary tasks are covered.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You can contact me via email at [email protected] or call me directly at 222-555-7777.

Once again, congratulations on the approval of your leave request. We appreciate your dedication and hard work at Alexon Accounting, and we look forward to your return on August 25, 2055. Enjoy your well-deserved time off!

Best regards,

Bradley Wells
Human Resources Manager
Alexon Accounting