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Job Performance Termination Letter

Job Performance Termination Letter

Dear Mia Matrix,

After careful consideration and evaluation of different aspects of your job performance, I regret to inform you that our organization has made the difficult decision to terminate your employment, effective Jan-2030.

Throughout your time with our company, we have provided you with clear expectations and support to assist you in achieving optimal performance. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, we have observed consistent issues in the following areas:

  • Poor attendance and frequent tardiness

  • Inadequate workplace behavior and lack of professionalism

  • Failure to meet project deadlines and low productivity

Our organization values the dedication and contributions of its employees, and we always strive to create a positive work environment where everyone can thrive. However, it has become evident that your performance has fallen significantly below the expected standards, even after multiple conversations and written warnings regarding these concerns.

We hold our employees to high standards of excellence, and unfortunately, your performance has consistently failed to meet these expectations. As a result, this decision to terminate your employment has been made following careful deliberation by our management team.

We understand that this news may come as a disappointment, and we want to offer you support during this transitional period. We are prepared to provide you with a severance package that includes details of the severance package. Additionally, we can offer career counseling services to assist you in finding new employment opportunities.

Please note that your final paycheck, including any accrued vacation time, will be processed and sent to you in accordance with our company's policies.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your termination or any related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our Human Resources department at sofia [email protected].

We genuinely appreciate your efforts and dedication during your time with us, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Mia Matrix


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