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Response To Complaint Letter

Response To Complaint Letter

Sender's Address:
John Smith
456 Elm Avenue

Suite 302

Suburbia, USA 54321
Email: [email protected]
Phone:222 555 777

Date: April 1, 2030

Recipient's Address:
Emily Davis
456 Elm Avenue
Rural Town, USA 23456

Dear Ms. Davis,

I am writing to address a specific issue and provide a response to your complaint letter, dated March 15, 2030. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your feedback regarding our product.

Firstly, let me assure you that your complaint has been taken seriously and investigated thoroughly by our customer service team. We understand your frustration and acknowledge the inconvenience caused due to the defective product you received.

We deeply regret the oversight that resulted in the faulty item being shipped to you. Our company values customer satisfaction and we always strive to provide high-quality products. We have identified the root cause of the issue and have implemented stringent measures to ensure that such errors do not occur in the future.

Please be advised that we have already dispatched a replacement for the defective product and it should reach you within the next 5-7 business days. Additionally, as a gesture of goodwill, we would like to offer you a 15% discount on your next purchase as a token of apology for the inconvenience caused.

We truly value your business and hope that this resolution meets your expectations. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we assure you that we will continue to improve our processes to avoid such errors in the future.

Once again, I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this has caused you. If you have any further concerns or require any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you in the future with the utmost care and attention.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


John Smith
Customer Service Manager
Quantum Systems Inc.

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