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Leave Request Letter

Leave Request Letter

December 26, 2054

Bryana Carter

Alexon Accounting

HR Head

390 Sunset Ave.

Little Rock AR 72118

Dear Ms. Carter,

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to take some much-needed personal time off. As an employee of Alexon Accounting, I believe it is important to prioritize self-care in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

I would like to request a leave period starting on January 12, 2055, and ending on January 26, 2055. During this time, I would like to take a vacation to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with my loved ones.

I assure you that I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I have informed my colleagues about my plans and have delegated my tasks to competent team members who will be able to handle any urgent matters that may arise. Additionally, I will be available via email and phone, should any major issues or emergencies arise that require my immediate attention.

Alexon Accounting has always been supportive of its employees' well-being, and I am confident that my personal time off request will be considered with the same level of care and understanding. I value the company's commitment to work-life balance, and I believe granting this leave will further reinforce the positive culture fostered at Alexon Accounting.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. I kindly ask for your approval of my leave request by December 28, 2055, so that I can make the necessary arrangements and ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I appreciate your understanding and support.

Best regards,
Jenna Smith