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Short Request Letter

Short Request Letter



April 26, 2050

Ms. Corey Smith
Climate Care Solutions
454 Hanifan Lane

Atlanta, GA 30303

Dear Ms. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request HVAC maintenance for our office building located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS]. As the facility manager, it is my responsibility to ensure that our HVAC system is running efficiently to create a comfortable working environment for our employees.

Recently, we have noticed a decline in the performance of the HVAC system. Employees have expressed their discomfort due to inconsistent temperatures and poor air quality. Given the critical role of a properly functioning HVAC system, I kindly request your approval to proceed with arranging the necessary maintenance services. I have attached the proposal, which includes a breakdown of the services offered and associated expenses.

Should you have any concerns or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]. I am open to discussing any alternative approaches or addressing any additional questions you may have.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your prompt consideration of our request is highly appreciated.




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