Free Corporate Holiday Letter Template



Free Corporate Holiday Letter Template

Corporate Holiday Letter

Ethan Harris
Viva Tech Solutions
789 Oak Drive
Apartment 7C
Cityville, USA 67890

Olivia Anderson
101 Pine Lane
Unit 12
Rural Town, USA 23456

Dear Ms. Anderson,

I hope this letter finds you well. As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to take this opportunity to extend my warmest greetings to you on behalf of everyone at Viva Tech Solutions. It is with utmost pleasure that I write to you today, as we navigate the end of a successful year together.

Throughout the year, we have witnessed our professional relationship flourish, and it is through your unwavering support and trust that our organization continues to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. Your commitment to excellence, dedication, and collaboration have undoubtedly been pivotal in our joint success.

This corporate holiday letter serves as a token of our appreciation and gratitude for your continued partnership. We value your business and are honored to have had the opportunity to work with you. As we reflect on the achievements and milestone moments of the past year, we look forward to building upon this foundation in the future.

In the spirit of the holiday season, we would like to express our utmost thanks by extending an exclusive offer to you as a valued client. Please refer to the attached brochure for further details. We truly believe this offer will not only demonstrate our commitment to your success but also help us further strengthen our collaboration in the coming year.

We encourage you to reach out to our dedicated customer support team at any time if you have any questions or require assistance regarding our products or services. You can contact us at 222 555 7777, or via email at

Once again, on behalf of the entire VivaTech Solutions team, we extend our sincerest thanks for your trust and partnership throughout the year. We wish you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season, filled with much happiness, prosperity, and success.

Warmest regards,

Ethan Harris
CEO, Viva Tech Solutions
222 555 7777

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