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Warning Letter for Call Avoidance

Warning Letter for Call Avoidance

Max Grant

132 Vander Way

Longview, WA 98632

[email protected]

222 555 7777

September 30, 2050

Mariah Johnson

Solace Agency

Insurance Coordinator

953 Harrison St.

San Francisco, CA 94107

Dear Mariah Johnson,

It has come to our attention that you have engaged in call avoidance on two separate occasions, which is a serious violation of our company policy. As an employee serving customers in our call center, it is imperative that you fulfill your responsibilities by attending to all incoming calls promptly and professionally.

Effective customer communication is the foundation of our business, and call avoidance undermines the quality of service we provide. Disregarding customer calls not only reflects negatively on our company but also leads to dissatisfied customers and potential financial loss for the organization.

This written warning serves as a formal notice regarding your call avoidance incidents. We expect all employees to adhere to company policies and exhibit professional behavior at all times. Your actions not only demonstrate a lack of commitment to your job but also reflect poorly on our company's reputation.

It is essential for you to understand the importance of responding to customer calls promptly. We strongly advise you to rectify this behavior immediately and ensure that you prioritize customer service. Failing to address this issue may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

If you require any assistance or clarification regarding our call-handling procedures, please don't hesitate to seek guidance from your supervisor or the human resources department. Together, we can work towards providing exceptional service to our customers.

We trust that you will take this warning seriously and make the necessary improvements in your performance. Failure to do so may have severe consequences for your employment at Solace Agency.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 222 555 7777 or via email at [email protected].

We hope that this warning will be an opportunity for growth and improvement, and we expect to see an immediate change in your behavior. We value your contributions to our organization and believe that with the right commitment, you can continue to succeed in your role.


Max Grant

Human Resources Manager

Solace Agency