Free Witness Statement Letter Template



Free Witness Statement Letter Template


February 2, 2052

Trace Durgan

Insurance Adjuster


Stuart, FL 34994

Dear Trace Durgan,

I am writing this statement letter to provide details of a road incident I witnessed for an insurance claim for both parties.

On January 29, 2052, at approximately 3:00 PM, I was driving along Oak Street when I witnessed a car accident involving two vehicles. The accident took place near the intersection of Oak Street and Maple Avenue. Both vehicles appeared to be traveling at a high speed, resulting in a severe collision.

One of the vehicles involved was a black sedan with license plate HSG-123. The other vehicle was a white SUV with license plate KID-456. The impact of the collision caused significant damage to both vehicles, leading to airbag deployment and shattered windshields.

I observed that the driver of the black sedan seemed to be at fault. They appeared to run a red light, failing to yield to oncoming traffic from Maple Avenue. I hope my statement provides helpful information for the insurance claim process.


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