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Contract Renewal Cancellation Letter

contract renewal cancellation letter

Robert Johnson

123 Main Street,

Springfield, USA

222 555 7777

Liam Davis

789 Pine Lane,

Lakeside City, USA

Dear Liam Davis,

I am writing to inform you that I would like to cancel my insurance policy with Insurance Provider XYZ. The policy number is ABC12345 and it is due for contract renewal cancellation.

The reason for my cancellation is that I have found a more suitable insurance coverage elsewhere that meets my current needs and offers better rates. After careful consideration and evaluation, I have decided to switch to another insurance provider.

I appreciate the service I have received from Insurance Provider XYZ over the past years. However, I believe it is in my best interest to pursue a different insurance arrangement at this time.

Please consider this letter as a formal notice of termination of my insurance policy with Insurance Provider XYZ. I kindly request that you cease all coverage and billing associated with my policy effective immediately. I expect a written confirmation of this cancellation within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Should you require any additional information or need to clarify any details, please do not hesitate to contact me using the following contact details:

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt action and confirmation of the cancellation.


Robert Johnson