Free Affidavit Letter of Relationship Template



Free Affidavit Letter of Relationship Template

Affidavit Letter of Relationship

Samuel Quinn

132 Vander Way
Longview, WA 98632
January 10, 2055

Judge Andrews
1600 Central Ave.

Cheyenne, WY 82001

Dear Judge Andrews,

I, Samuel Quinn, am writing this affidavit to confirm my relationship with my adopted son, whom I took into my care over a decade ago. I solemnly affirm that the information provided in this letter is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge.

I took in my adopted son, John Doe, when he was five years old, on March 20, 2040. Since then, we have shared the bond of a parent-child relationship, providing him with a safe and loving home. John Doe, born on January 1, 2035, has resided at the aforementioned address for the past ten years. Our relationship has grown and flourished, and I consider him an integral part of my family.

I hereby affirm that the information provided in this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false statements made herein may be subject to penalties under the law.

Samuel Quinn

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