Free Sample Personal Affidavit Letter Template



Free Sample Personal Affidavit Letter Template

Sample Personal Affidavit Letter

George Maxwell

610 Fillmore St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
September 5, 2055

George Thompson
6947 Main St.

Mackinac, MI 49757

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I, George Maxwell, am writing this affidavit to confirm my personal ownership of a silver sedan in order to provide assistance in a legal case concerning theft. As the rightful owner, I hereby declare that the following details are accurate and truthful:

  • Full Legal Name: George Maxwell

  • Date of Birth: October 10, 2035

  • Address: 610 Fillmore St., Colorado Springs, CO 80907

  • Citizenship: American

  • Vehicle Description: Silver Sedan

I swear under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may subject me to criminal prosecution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


George Maxwell

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