Free Employment Agreement At Will Employee Template



Free Employment Agreement At Will Employee Template

Employment Agreement At Will Employee

Christopher Lee

EliteGrowth Consulting
Makebelieve County, 12345

222 555 7777

Emily Johnson
456 Fake Street
Imaginary Town, 54321

Dear Emily Johnson,

On behalf of EliteGrowth Consulting, I am pleased to offer you an employment agreement as an At Will Employee. We believe that your skills and qualifications make you a valuable addition to our team.

This employment agreement will serve as a proof of our commitment to providing a fair and supportive work environment. As an At Will Employee, you have the right to terminate your employment with us at any time, and we have the right to terminate your employment as well.

Please sign and return a copy of this letter to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in the employment agreement. If you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to contact me via email or phone.


Christopher Lee
EliteGrowth Consulting