Free Employee Suspension Without Pay Letter Template



Free Employee Suspension Without Pay Letter Template

Employee Suspension Without Pay Letter

Lucas Nguyen

Green Leaf Energy

Los Angeles, California


222 555 7777

Logan Lee

888 Rose Lane,

Ocean Springs, USA

Dear Logan Lee,

We hope this letter finds you well. We regret to inform you that effective immediately, you will be placed on a suspension without pay for a period of 30 days. This decision has been made as a result of [provide brief details or reason for the suspension]. During this time, you are required to refrain from attending work and performing any duties or responsibilities affiliated with your position.

This suspension serves as an opportunity for you to reflect on the issue at hand and consider your future actions. Upon completion of the suspension period, we will expect you to return to work with a renewed focus and dedication. Should there be any changes or updates related to this matter, you will be promptly informed.


Lucas Nguyen