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Contract Letter

Contract Letter

Nancy Whitehead


SolarFlare Innovations

991 Biddie Lane,
Richmond, VA 23219
[email protected]

April 6, 2069

Dana Mundell


SilverLight Technologies

2758 Diamond Cove,
Providence, RI 02903

Dear Ms. Mundell,

As discussed between our representatives, SolarFlare Innovations is pleased to provide you with this contract letter outlining the terms and conditions of our agreement. We believe that clarity is essential in establishing a solid business relationship. The terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows:

1. Services: SolarFlare Innovations will provide solar energy and the best cutting edge technology.

2. Deadlines: All services will be delivered within the agreed-upon timeline specified in the contract.

3. Payment Terms: The total cost for the services provided under this agreement is $1200. Payment should be made in US Dollars within 5 days from the date of invoice.

4. Additional Obligations: Both parties commit to fulfilling any other obligations defined in the contract that are not explicitly mentioned in this letter.

5. Rights and Responsibilities: This contract ensures that both parties have equal rights and responsibilities. Any modifications or changes to the agreement must be mutually agreed upon and documented in writing.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Nancy Whitehead

SolarFlare Innovations