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Contract Service Letter


Robert Vann


BluePeak Technologies

255 Hickory Heights Drive,
Baltimore, MD 21201

[email protected]

June 20, 2058

Carlos Burley

3052 Nicholas Street,
Topeka, KS 66605

Dear Mr. Burley,

The purpose of this correspondence is to establish a direct and concise agreement between BluePeak Technologies and yourself, regarding the financial aspects of the services provided. The financial details of the services rendered by BluePeak Technologies are as follows:

1. Payment Terms: Payment for the services must be completed on a monthly basis, within 15 days from the date of invoice.

2. Fees: The fees for the services provided are outlined in the attached document labeled "Fee Schedule."

3. Other Monetary Considerations: Any additional expenses incurred during the provision of services, which are beyond the agreed-upon scope, will be promptly communicated to you for approval.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected].


Robert Vann


BluePeak Technologies