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Formal Contract Letter

Formal Contract Letter

Keith D. Wilhite

Marketing Manager

Beacon Enterprises Inc.
2207 Clousson Road

Plover, IA 50573

Dear Mr. Wilhite,

Harmony Innovations Ltd. will allocate a dedicated team of digital marketing professionals to handle all aspects of the campaign, including content creation, community management, and ad optimization. Beacon Enterprises Inc. will provide all necessary branding materials and product information to facilitate the marketing activities. Both parties will collaborate closely to ensure the success of the campaign.

We believe this agreement accurately reflects our contract's complete terms and conditions.

If these terms accurately reflect your understanding of our agreement, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me. If you have any queries or concerns, contact me immediately.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to a successful partnership with Beacon Enterprises Inc..


Anita O. Fowler

HR Manager

Harmony Innovations Ltd.