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Simple Experience Letter

Simple Experience Letter

Lana Mitchell

Operations Manager

[email protected]

September 20, 2050

Emily Watts
Human Resources Director

[email protected]

Dear Ms. Emily Watts,

This letter serves as a formal attestation of Ms. Rose Barbara's tenure and job performance at Handale Enterprises. Ms. Barbara was employed with us from May 10, 2050, to July 11, 2050, during which time she proved herself as a valuable asset to our organization.

Ms. Barbara's experience, expertise, and leadership skills made her a keystone member of every project she led, bringing them to their successful completion. Her problem-solving capabilities and forward-thinking approach contributed further to her effectiveness as a Project Manager.

We highly appreciate Ms. Barbara's professional contribution towards Handale Enterprises during her time of service. We believe that she would be an impressive addition to any team with her dedication and strong project management skills. We wish her the very best in her future endeavors.

Should you require any more details or confirmation, feel free to reach out to me either via email at [email protected] or via phone at 222 555 7777.


Lana Mitchell