Free Principal Leaving School Letter Template



Free Principal Leaving School Letter Template

Principal Leaving School Letter

July 1, 2050

Shannan W. Genao

Board Member

Berkeley High School
1021 Montgomery Street
Berkeley, CA 94705

Dear Ms. Genao,

As the Principal of Berkeley High School, I write this letter with a bittersweet sentiment. I am penning this communication to inform you of my forthcoming resignation formally. After many great years at Berkeley High, personal obligations call for me to relocate and resign from my position as Principal.

I express my deepest gratitude for your relentless support during my tenure. It was challenging, but your trust and commitment to Berkeley High and all our students made my work significantly meaningful. The staff, teachers and I have complete confidence that the institution will continue prospering under your continuing guidance.

With Kind Regards,

Geneva T. Lopez
