Free Rental Agreement Acceptance Letter Template



Free Rental Agreement Acceptance Letter Template

Rental Agreement Acceptance Letter

Caleb Wright

Residential Owner

707 Walnut Avenue, Suite 33

Riverdale, TX 75002

January 1, 2050

Isla King
606 Maple Lane, #345
Pineville, AZ 85004

Dear Ms. King,

I am writing to confirm your acceptance of the rental agreement concerning the rental of LifeHarbor's Residence. This letter will serve as a legal document that will bear the terms of our agreed rental agreement.

The agreement, which is to start from Febuary 5, 20550 obligates you to uphold the conditions set forth during the stated period. The monthly rent for the property is $1500 that needs to be settled by the fifth day of each month.

Kindly note that in your role as a tenant, it is expected that you maintain the property and ensure that no damage is done. The property will be inspected routinely, and any damage to the property will be your financial responsibility. You are also obligated to respect the rulings of the homeowner's association and abide by all local rental laws and regulations.

By this letter, you accept the rental agreement, and the rights and obligations that come with it. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this letter by signing and returning a copy.

I trust that our rental agreement will be based on mutual respect and understanding.


Caleb Wright

Tenant's Signature over printed Name
Date Signed