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Bonus Request Letter

Bonus Request Letter

Robin Black

HR Manager

HR Department

953 Harrison St.

San Francisco, CA 94107

December 1, 2050

Luis Lance

Tech Support

IT Department

1600 Central Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94607

Dear Mr. Lance,

I'm writing to you to request a bonus for the extra hours I've been working over the past two weeks. My dedication and commitment to the team have not halted despite the additional work, and I continue to strive to deliver high-quality results.

Considering the overtime I have rendered for the Solace Agency, it is reasonable to ask for a bonus for this extended period of increased productivity. With the extra responsibilities I've undertaken, a bonus of $400 would adequately compensate for the additional hours worked.

I'm sure you can understand and appreciate the exceptional circumstances under which I've been laboring. Your positive consideration of this request will not only be a monetarily fitting compensation but will also serve as a great morale boost.

Thank you in advance,
Robin Black