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Reminder Letter for No Response

Reminder Letter for No Response

March 10, 2052

David Clark
2479 Jarvis Street,
Cheektowaga, NY 14227

Dear Mr. Clark,

We are contacting you regarding your recent tax submission for the fiscal year 2050 - 2052. It has come to our attention that we have not yet received the aforementioned tax documentation.

As you are aware, it is required by law to submit these financial statements by a certain deadline to enable a smooth and trouble-free tax process. Failure to submit these documents timely may lead to fines and possible complications regarding your tax account.

We understand life can get busy, so this friendly reminder letter is sent to ensure you that you can still settle your accounts with enough time. We ask that you promptly attend to this matter. If you have already sent your tax documents, please disregard this letter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Young