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Reminder Letter to Submit Documents

Reminder Letter to Submit Documents

Alexis Walsh

404 Maple Avenue

Savannah, GA 30308

May 20, 2050

Mr. Logan Thompson
873 Jehovah Drive

Staunton, GA 30308

Dear Mr. Thompson,

The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the upcoming deadline regarding the submission of required documents to Serene Sync. As per our previous discussions, you have agreed to provide these documents that are critical for us to continue with our joint project.

If you have already submitted the required documents, kindly disregard this reminder. However, if you have any difficulties or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at my phone number.

Please note that the last date for submission is March 20, 2050. We have not received these documents from your end as of yet. We kindly request you to make sure all documents are submitted before the due date to avoid any inconvenience.

Best Regards,

Alexis Walsh