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Waitlist Email Letter

Waitlist Email Letter

Melanie Chang

HR Manager

Radiant Life Incorporated

303 Redwood Avenue

Willowdale, TX 75004

January 1, 2050

Carter Wright

404 Oak Lane, Unit 34

Rivertown, AZ 85005

Dear Carter,

We appreciate your interest in our institution and your patience during the admissions process. We regret to inform you that we could not secure your spot in our incoming class. However, we have added you to our waitlist, as we believe you would be a fantastic addition to our community.

Being added to the waitlist does not guarantee admission, but in previous years, we have made offers to several waitlisted candidates. We encourage you to stay connected with us and update your application with any relevant new information. We will let you know no later than July 1, 2050, if there are any openings.

Thank you again for your application and interest in our institution. We appreciate your understanding and patience in this process.


Melanie Chang