Free Children's Christmas Letter Template



Free Children's Christmas Letter Template

Children's Christmas Letter

Dear Santa Claus,

Merry Christmas! I hope you and all the people at the North Pole are doing good!

My name is Marissa Reynolds, and I am 11 years old. I am writing to tell you that I have been really good for the whole year! Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and I cannot wait for it to come! I have been doing my very best to be the best good girl by listening to my parents and helping out with chores.

I also tried doing well in school and being nice to my classmates. I hope all of this will make me end up in your nice list. This year, I only want to ask for two things. I would like to have a new doll.

It is something I have looked forward to for the whole year, and to let all the children in the world to have the best Christmas. Merry Christmas, Santa Claus! I can't wait to see the gifts I will receive this year.


Marissa Reynolds

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