Free House Building Loan Application Letter Template



Free House Building Loan Application Letter Template

House Building Loan Application Letter

Date: November 19, 2050

Floyd Cremin
Loan Officer
Portland, OR 97201

Dear Mr. Floyd Cremin,

I am writing to formally apply for a house building loan through Duofort. I am planning to construct my new home on a plot of land located at 456 Pine Hill Road, Portland, OR 97201.

The total estimated cost for construction is $400,000, and I am requesting a loan of $300,000 to finance the building process. I have attached all necessary documentation, including my financial statements, project blueprint, and contractor estimates, for your review.

Having been a loyal customer of Duofort for several years, I believe I am in a strong position to meet the terms and conditions of the loan. I have a stable income and have consistently managed my financial obligations responsibly.

This loan will help me bring my dream home to life, and I am fully committed to fulfilling all repayment terms according to the agreed schedule.

If you need any additional information or clarification regarding my application, please feel free to contact me at [Your Email]. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]
[Your Email]

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