Free Internship Request Acceptance Letter Template
Internship Request Acceptance Letter
Charli Sinnett
HR Assistant
3489 Oak Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605
June 06, 2056
Eve Wolinski
606 Maple Lane, #345,
Pineville, AZ 85004
Dear Mr. Wolinski,
I am writing to formally accept your Internship Request at our Company. We were impressed by your qualifications and believe that you would be an excellent addition to our team. The skills you demonstrated during the selection process lead me to believe that you will thrive in this position and gain valuable experience for your future career.
Your internship will commence on the date we discussed earlier. More details including workload, schedules, and departmental engagement will be provided during our orientation session. Should you require any assistance in the meantime, please feel free to reach out.
Charli Sinnett
Letter Templates @ Template.Net