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Contract Offer Letter

Contract Offer Letter

April 12, 2050


Allysa Williams

101 Cedar Avenue, Suite 12

Brooksville, AZ 85002


Dear Allysa Williams,


After careful consideration and deliberation, we want to notify you that you have been selected for the Interior Designer position. We assure you that your skills, experience, and dedication played a significant role during our decision-making process.

This offer aligns with our company’s business model and would require you to begin on April 20, 2050. By accepting this offer, you consent to adhere to our company standards, guidelines, work schedule, and the wage of $750.00 (gross salary) that we have set for this position.

We eagerly anticipate your positive response to this contract offer. Should you have any queries or require additional information, please get in touch with us. Your earnest interest in our organization is greatly appreciated.



Emily Sheridan

HR Manager

Canvas Dream Studio

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