Free Equity Grant Letter Template



Free Equity Grant Letter Template

Equity Grant Letter

March 2, 2050

Michael Davis

2073 Frosty Lane,
Alfred, NY 14802

Dear Mr. Davis,

This letter is formal documentation of the grant of equity in [Your Company Name] to you as part of your compensation package. Please note that this equity grant is subject to the terms and conditions in this letter and any other agreements between you and [Your Company Name].

Your grant comprises 35 shares in [Your Company Name]. These shares are subject to a vesting schedule over four years, at the end of which, you will own the full equity amount. This grant is subject to the terms and conditions of [Your Company Name] Equity Incentive Plan and your Stock Agreement. All details about the conditions related to the vesting and potential forfeiture of your grant are mentioned in these documents.

We look forward to a long and fruitful association as we believe in your ability and your important role in the growth and success of our organization. Should you have any queries or require further clarification on this matter, please feel free to get in touch with HR Representative Isabella Fernandes.


[Your Name]

[Your Email]

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