Free Restaurant Disciplinary Letter Template



Free Restaurant Disciplinary Letter Template

Restaurant Disciplinary Letter

July 14, 2050

Michael Thompson


Northern Grind Bistro

505 Redwood Lane

Willowdale, TX 75003

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope this letter finds you well.

This correspondence concerns incidents we have recently noticed in the restaurant, where adherence to the guidelines we have set in place for ensuring the smooth operation of our establishment has been lacking.

Your immense contribution towards our restaurant and relentless service has always been appreciated. However, lately, there have been reports about negligence towards duties and our established policies. We understand that it may be a challenging time, personally or professionally. However, this has started impacting our restaurant's environment and functioning.

This letter serves as a formal reminder and call for immediate action towards improving the situation. It would help if you took this notice seriously. Any further breaches following the receipt of this letter will result in strict action in line with our company's disciplinary procedures, which may include further reprimands or possibly termination.

Please feel free to arrange a conversation to discuss this matter in person if you feel that would be beneficial.


Isabella Armstrong

Restaurant Manager

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