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Deportation Order Letter

Deportation Order Letter

August 10, 2050

Christopher Bell

447 Forest Avenue,

Havre, MT 59501

Dear Mr. Bell,

We are writing to inform you about the impending deportation proceedings that are currently in processed against you by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This requires your immediate and careful attention.

According to the information provided to us, you have violated the terms of your visa conditions. Consequently, these cumulative offenses led to this hard-but-necessary decision. We would like to inform you that your departure from the United States has been scheduled for August 15, 2050.

Should you require any clarification regarding this issue, or if you believe there has been a misunderstanding, we urge you to contact us immediately. Until then, we advise you to make the necessary arrangements for a smooth transition.

Your immediate attention to this matter is highly appreciated.


Aaron Phillips

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