Free Behavior Issue Termination Letter Template



Free Behavior Issue Termination Letter Template

Behavior Issue Termination Letter

Anthony James

Human Resources


January 25 , 2050

Stephanie Rohan



Dear Ms. Rohan,

This letter serves as a formal notice regarding the termination of your employment with our company due to behavior issues. We have carefully observed and evaluated your conduct over an extended period, and even after several discussions, we regret to find no substantial improvement.

The decision, arrived at after extensive consideration and evaluation, takes effect on January 31, 2050. We stress that this action strictly correlates with your inability to conform to the standard behavioral guidelines of our company, not affecting your professional capabilities.

We are ready to provide job references based on your skills, abilities, and accomplishments during your tenure with us. Also, you will receive information concerning benefits and salary entitlements due within the next week.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony James

Letter Templates @ Template.Net