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Termination Letter for Attendance

Termination Letter for Attendance

August 3, 2050

Mr. Caleb Scott

Sales Representative
Stellar Sync Ventures

404 Oak Lane

Rivertown, TX 85005

Dear Mr. Scott,

We regret to inform you that your employment is being terminated immediately due to ongoing and unaddressed attendance issues. Despite several verbal and written warnings regarding your persistent lateness and unexcused absences, there has been no significant improvement in your attendance record.

The decision to terminate your employment has not been made lightly and arises from the need to ensure productivity and adherence to our organization's employment terms. Your final paycheck, through your last day of work, will be mailed to you on your regular payday.

Please get in touch with the Human Resources Department if you have any further queries about your termination or final paycheck.

We wish you all the best in your future professional endeavors.


Hailey Fischer

HR Manager

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