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Minimum Order Quantity Letter

Minimum Order Quantity Letter

March 3, 2055

Jaime N. Warren
Logistics Manager

Stellar Move Pro

101 Cedar Avenue

Brooksville, AZ 85002

Dear Mr. Warren,

I am writing to place an order with your company. Given our specific requirements, our order includes a minimum order quantity for each product. This approach benefits both parties, ensuring consistent supply and establishing a steady business relationship.

I kindly request your acknowledgment of this order and estimated delivery date. We appreciate prompt and accurate delivery as it greatly influences our operations. For payment, we propose a 30-day credit term from the invoice date. Please suggest an alternative payment model if this doesn't meet your approval.

We trust that you will handle this order with the usual efficiency. Should there be any issues or further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to doing more business with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Vincent Adams

Purchase Manager

Medi Link

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