Commercial Real Estate Lease Letter of Intent

Commercial Real Estate Lease Letter of Intent

March 1, 2050




I am writing to express our interest in leasing the commercial real estate property. This venture into commercial real estate is a mutually beneficial opportunity for all parties involved.

Our company has been looking for a suitable location to meet our business requirements and growth strategies. After considering various options, we have decided on your property due to its strategic location and the potential benefits it can offer our business operations.

We understand the lease agreement will be subjected to due diligence, fair market rental valuation, and mutually agreeable lease terms. We are prepared to work on these fronts and believe we can close the lease agreement as soon as possible upon your approval.

We look forward to advancing this agreement to the lease documentation stage. Please feel free to reach out should you need any additional information or need to discuss further.

Thank you for considering our letter of intent. We look forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely,




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