Free Loan Balance Confirmation Letter Template



Free Loan Balance Confirmation Letter Template

Loan Balance Confirmation Letter

Date: October 5, 2050

Javier Jacobs
Loan Account Manager
Chandler, AZ 85224

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

This letter serves to confirm the outstanding loan balance for the account held with ApexCorp as of the date specified above. The total balance on this loan account is $75,000. This amount includes the principal, accrued interest, and any applicable fees as outlined in the terms of our original loan agreement.

We acknowledge our commitment to settle the outstanding balance in accordance with the repayment schedule, and any further instructions regarding repayment will be followed accordingly.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any discrepancies or if additional documentation is needed for verification purposes. We appreciate ApexCorp's assistance in providing timely updates on our account status.

If there are any adjustments in terms or interest rates, kindly inform us at your earliest convenience to ensure smooth handling of our financial records.

Thank you for your attention and continued support. For further communication regarding this matter, please contact me directly.


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[Your Email]

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