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Sample Declining Job Offer Letter

Sample Declining Job Offer Letter





September 25, 2050


Olivia Martinez

9800 Kingsbridge Drive

Business Park, Weston, 55742


Dear Ms. Martinez,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with deep regret to formally decline the job offer for the position of Senior Strategy Consultant at Crestview Consulting Group.


The decision was difficult because I hold your company in high esteem, and your team has shown me great courtesy and professionalism throughout the hiring process. I believe the role aligns with my skills and interests. However, unforeseen personal circumstances have made it necessary for me to rethink my options currently.


Please understand that this decision was not taken lightly and involved a great deal of deliberation. I want to make sure that my choice allows me to act in the best interest of both my well-being and that of the team at Crestview Consulting Group.


I wholeheartedly appreciate your understanding on this matter and for considering me for the role. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to engage with your esteemed company, and I hope that our paths cross again in more favorable circumstances.


Best Regards,



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