Free Cancellation Letter Template



Free Cancellation Letter Template

Cancellation Letter

Chico, CA 95973
222 555 7777

March 1, 2050

Carl Carter
Membership Services Department
Gym Inc.

Miami, FL 33034

Dear Mr. Carter,


I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to express my inclination toward canceling my membership at Gym Inc.


My membership number is 15840, and the account is under my name, [Your Name]. I would like to request the termination of my membership to be effective as of April 1, 2050. This will provide ample time to close out any administrative tasks associated with my account.


I have enjoyed my time spent in the gym and the fitness services your organization provides. Your facility has excellent resources, and your team has been diligent; however, circumstances have changed, requiring me to cancel the membership.


Kindly confirm receipt of this letter and provide information about any pro-rated refunds of my pre-paid annual dues. Also, I would appreciate it if you could inform me if there are any additional steps I need to take, paperwork to sign, or if there are any penalties for my account cancellation.


Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

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