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Service Cancellation Letter

Service Cancellation Letter

[Your Street Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]

March 21, 2050

QuickNet Internet Services
456 Technology Drive
Tech City, NY, 12346

Dear Customer Service,


I am writing this letter to formally notify you of my intention to cancel my internet service subscription. My account number is 1234567890.


The service has been useful and commendable. However, due to personal reasons, I am unable to continue the subscription. Please consider this letter as a formal request for the termination of my internet subscription, effective from the date of this letter or the earliest date possible as per your cancellation policies.


I understand that this cancellation might require a final settlement of the bill and any outstanding fee, if applicable. Kindly send me a detailed statement and the necessary instructions for the payment. Also, please confirm the cancellation in writing once the process is completed.


I trust that this process will be handled efficiently and swiftly. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Yours sincerely,


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