Interview Confirmation Letter

Interview Confirmation Letter

3931 Tail Ends Road
Two Rivers, WI 54241

September 13, 2050

Joshua Burns
4602 Eagles Nest Drive
Newell, CA 96134

Dear Mr. Burns,

I am delighted to confirm your scheduled job interview with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. We appreciate your interest in our company and are eager to learn more about how your skills and qualifications align with our needs.

The details of your interview are as follows:

Interview Date: September 17, 2050
Interview Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Interviewer(s): HR Manager
Location: Massive Dynamic
Position Applied For: Chief Financial Officer

We encourage you to come prepared with any questions or information you consider relevant to discuss during the interview. It will be a great opportunity to delve deeper into what the role entails and how you could potentially contribute to our company's continued success.

If you need to reschedule or cancel the interview, kindly inform us at least two days in advance to allow us sufficient time to adjust our schedules accordingly.

Thank you again for your interest in [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. We look forward to meeting and speaking with you in person.



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