Alcohol/Drug Policy Violation Letter

Alcohol/Drug Policy Violation Letter




September 19, 2050

Rose Rosenberg

1564 Shady Pines Drive,
Hawesville, KY 42348

Dear Ms. Rosenberg,

I hope this email finds you well. It has been brought to our attention that you have violated the company's policy regarding the use of alcohol/drugs. Your conduct on September 17, 2050, was reported and investigated thoroughly. The allegation was based on consuming alcohol in the break room during working hours.

Our company prides itself on providing a safe workplace and such negligence is strictly against the code of conduct set by our [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Any employee found violating our no-tolerance policy towards substance abuse is liable to strict disciplinary measures.

We take such violations very seriously. Therefore, due to your disregard for our policies, it has been decided to implement disciplinary action. We also want to offer our support and assistance to ensure that you have access to any resources or guidance you may need moving forward.

As an employee of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], it is your responsibility to understand and respect the company rules. We hope this instance serves as a strong reminder of the importance of adhering to the company policies. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



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