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Bid Acknowledgment Letter

Bid Acknowledgment Letter


We are writing to acknowledge the receipt of your bid submitted on [SUBMISSION DATE] for the project titled "[PROJECT TITLE]" as per the request for proposal (RFP) number [RFP NUMBER] issued by [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

We appreciate your interest in working with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and your effort in preparing and submitting your proposal titled "[PROPOSAL TITLE]". Your submission is currently under review by our procurement team. We are considering the details of your bid alongside those submitted by other vendors.

The review process is expected to take approximately [REVIEW TIME FRAME]. During this period, we might contact you to seek further clarifications or additional information if needed. Please be prepared to provide any supplementary details that may assist us in our decision-making process.

We aim to make a final decision by [DECISION DATE]. All bidders, including your company, will be formally notified of the outcome in writing. Should your bid be successful, you will receive further instructions on the next steps towards initiating the project.

Should you have any questions regarding your bid status or require any other assistance during this period, please feel free to contact our procurement office at [YOUR COMPANY PHONE NUMBER] or via email at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL].

Thank you once again for your bid and for considering [YOUR COMPANY NAME] as a potential partner for your business endeavors. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,


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