Explanation Of Debt Letter

Explanation of Debt Letter





I am writing to clarify and provide a detailed explanation regarding the outstanding debt reported on [SPECIFIC DATE OR PERIOD], concerning the account number [ACCOUNT NUMBER].

The debt in question originated from [DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSACTION OR SERVICE], which was executed on [DATE OF TRANSACTION]. The total amount due was [AMOUNT], and as of today, [CURRENT DATE], the amount outstanding is [OUTSTANDING AMOUNT].

The following details outline the sequence of events leading to the current status of the debt: Initially, an [INVOICE], numbered and dated, was issued to [RECIPIENT] on [DATE]. Subsequently, in accordance with the terms outlined in the invoice, Payment was due by [DUE DATE]. However, regrettably, this payment has not been met due to [REASON FOR NON-PAYMENT].

Following the missed payment deadline, multiple [REMINDER NOTICES] were dispatched to [RECIPIENT] on [REMINDER DATES], urging prompt attention to the outstanding balance.

Additional relevant information or details that support your explanation: We understand that misunderstandings or discrepancies can occur, and we are committed to resolving this matter with your cooperation. To facilitate a swift resolution, please find attached supporting documents that corroborate the details shared in this letter.

To resolve this issue, we propose the following solutions: Either setting up a payment plan to cover the outstanding balance over a defined period or opting for a one-time payment with a negotiated discount, depending on your preference and financial situation. We are open to discussing alternative solutions that may better suit your needs.

We value our relationship and are eager to clear any outstanding issues as swiftly as possible. Please contact me at [YOUR EMAIL] to discuss this further or to notify us of any adjustments or payments made that may not have been updated in your records.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and are hopeful for a resolution that is agreeable to both parties.



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