Restaurant Warning Letter

Restaurant Warning Letter

[Your Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email]

[Employee Name]
[Employee Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to formally address repeated instances of non-compliance with our food safety protocols at [Your Company Name]. Despite previous trainings and reminders, there continues to be a significant lapse in critical temperature control measures necessary for preventing foodborne illnesses. Additionally, the standard of cleanliness within the kitchen has notably declined, which breaches our health and safety standards.

This behavior jeopardizes not only the quality of service that we pledge to our customers but also the reputation and operational licenses of our establishment. As your manager, it is concerning to see these persistent shortcomings in complying with the policies that ensure the safety and quality of our offerings.

Immediate corrective actions are required to rectify these failures. You are expected to adhere strictly to all laid down food handling and safety protocols without exception.

Below is a detailed table of the food handling and safety protocols that need strict adherence, along with the immediate corrective actions required:

Area of Concern

Standard Protocol

Immediate Corrective Actions

Temperature Control

1. Maintain hot food at 60°C (140°F) or above.

2. Keep cold food at 4°C (39°F) or below.

3. Use thermometers regularly to check temperatures.

1. Conduct daily temperature checks at the start and end of each shift.

2. Document temperatures and take immediate action if deviations occur.

Kitchen Cleanliness

1. Clean and sanitize all surfaces after use.

2. Implement a regular deep-cleaning schedule for all kitchen areas.

1. Increase cleaning frequency to after each meal service.

2. Schedule monthly deep cleans and maintain logs of cleaning activities.

Cross-Contamination Prevention

1. Use separate cutting boards and utensils for different food types.

2. Store raw and cooked foods separately.

1. Reorganize kitchen storage to enhance separation.

2. Provide additional training on cross-contamination prevention.

Personal Hygiene

1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before handling food and after any contamination.

2. Wear clean uniforms, hairnets, and gloves where necessary.

1. Monitor and log handwashing practices at designated stations.

2. Conduct weekly reviews of uniform and personal hygiene compliance.

Pest Control

1. Ensure all areas are free of food debris to discourage pest inhabitation.

2. Regular inspections and treatments by a licensed exterminator.

1. Increase inspection frequency to bi-weekly.

2. Immediate repair of any structural damages that could harbor pests.

Waste Management

1. Dispose of waste regularly and segregate recyclables from non-recyclables.

2. Maintain clean and covered waste disposal areas.

1. Audit and optimize waste disposal routines.

2. Ensure all waste bins are labeled correctly and lids are functional.

You are required to adhere strictly to these protocols without exception. Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance. Continued non-compliance will lead to further disciplinary actions, including potential suspension or termination of employment. Immediate improvement and adherence to these protocols are crucial for maintaining our standards and ensuring the safety of our customers and staff.

Please treat this matter with the utmost seriousness. I trust that we will see immediate improvements in your adherence to these critical standards. Feel free to reach out with any questions or for further clarification regarding this warning. Your cooperation and improvement in these areas are crucial to your continued employment with [Your Company Name].


[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]

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