Free School Sponsorship Agreement Template



Free School Sponsorship Agreement Template

School Sponsorship Agreement

This Sponsorship Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [Agreement Date] between [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address] ("School"), and [Sponsor Name], located at [Sponsor Address] ("Sponsor").

WHEREAS, the School seeks sponsorship support for [Event], and the Sponsor is willing to provide such support, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Sponsorship Details: The Sponsor agrees to provide sponsorship support to the School in the amount of $10,000 for the duration of one academic year. The sponsorship payment shall be made in two installments, with the first installment of $5,000 due on [Date], and the second installment of $5,000 due on [Date].

  2. Sponsorship Benefits: In exchange for the sponsorship support, the School agrees to provide the Sponsor with the following benefits: (a) Logo placement on the school website homepage for the duration of the sponsorship; (b) Acknowledgment in all school event programs and promotional materials; and (c) Opportunity to sponsor one major school event with prominent logo placement and verbal acknowledgment during the event.

  3. Sponsorship Requirements: The Sponsor agrees to make the sponsorship payment in a timely manner as specified in Section 1. The Sponsor agrees to provide the School with their logo in high-resolution format for use in promotional materials. The School agrees to provide the Sponsor with quarterly reports detailing the impact of their sponsorship support and any relevant school news or events.

  4. Termination Clause: Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other party. Upon termination, any remaining sponsorship benefits shall be provided up to the termination date, and any remaining sponsorship payment obligations shall be null and void.

  5. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State], without regard to its conflict of law principles.










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